
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff at St Augustine's and all are trained to know how to identify abuse, how to manage disclosures made by students and how to report a safeguarding concern. 

If you have a concern that any child is being harmed, is at risk of harm please contact our Safeguarding Team via email


Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Mr I McNally

01527 550400

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Miss V Vanson


01527 550400

Nominated Safeguarding Governor:


Mrs C Hubble

Designated Teacher for Children in Care: Mr I McNally
Online Safety Contact: Mr I McNally
Safeguarding in Education Advisor: Ms Denise Hannibal
Local Authority Designated Officer: John Hancock/James Boreland
Family Front Door: 01905 822666 (core working hours)
Emergency Duty Team: 01905 768020
If you feel a child is in immediate risk: 999
For situations not requiring an immediate police response: 101

Contacting the school about your child:  please do so by email or phone and your query will be directed to the most relevant staff member.  Please indicate if it is an immediate safeguarding issue concerning any of the following:  sexual abuse, emotional abuse or self-harm and we will respond within 24 hours.  If the issue is not about safeguarding, we aim to  respond within 2 working days.